Why yes, it's a Friday.

>> Friday, May 29, 2009

It is a Friday, right? Um, oh yeah, yes it is :P

So, I am trying to come up with interesting stuff so that Nathan will keep reading my blog... he seemed to like the post where I said that I speared my hand on a fork, but nothing else like that has happened, so... sorry! Anyway, here's what's going on about my life in general:
tomorrow I'm going to Nate's last soccer game, but I'll probably have to skip the BBQ afterwards, because I'll need to rush off to Julianna and Jenna Han's senior recital/graduation. I'm realllly excited for that! They're such awesome people and OH-SO-TALENTED!! Yep. And my friends will be going. =D
And I might get to go ice-skating and spend the night at a friend's house afterwards.
So yep I'm pretty dang excited!

Another exciting thing is that NATE and I are co-authoring a book!!! He came up with the plot idea- and it's totally awesome. I'm helping him write it (and I'm doing the typing- I'm faster and better at grammar than he is!). So far we only have a paragraph, but we hope to make it a whole book, the plot is kind of complicated. Hope we can work more on that soon.

See yah!

1 comment(s):

Rosalie June 1, 2009 at 2:15 PM  

That's so cool! I hope you let me read it!

Alice(From Rose's account.)

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