
>> Sunday, December 28, 2008

So, some random stuff...
right now I'm in Washington at my cousin's house. We got here earlier today (Sunday) and are going home on Tuesday, with a stop at another cousin's house!
Lots of cousins up here in WA!

Oh, I got my hair cut!! It's a lot shorter now!! I guess you'll just have to wait and see it!

I'm looking forwards to the WRITERS meeting next week. For more than one reason. I'm also dreading it. For one reason. I'm looking forwards to it because,

1- I love writing
2- I want to see my friends that are in the group
3- I like going to Alice's house
4- I want more people to see my haircut
and 5- I always have a ton of fun!

And here's why I'm DREADING it also!

1- We have to DANCE!!

Oh no!! Why DDR? WHY??

I'm seriously horrible at dancing! Especially with people watching!
But, I guess since it'll be with my friends, it'll be fun. I guess.

But I know Alice is going to make me, so I'm going to have the face the fact.

I'm going to need to dance.

Oh well! I guess it isn't the end of the world! Besides, all those plus's are better than the one minus. So it'll be good!

Well, see you people at WRITERS, or anytime before that, I guess!


3 comment(s):

Anonymous,  December 28, 2008 at 10:40 PM  

This has got to be the coolest post ever! Your SO awesome!

I didn't know you like coming to my house! We'll have to talk about that later (I'm curious, you know me...)

Have fun in WA oh, and say hi to Jerk for me! ;)


P.S I must tell you, this post was AWESOME! I loved it!! GO MEGAN!!!

Megan December 29, 2008 at 9:02 AM  

How is it the coolest post ever??

And yes, of course I like going to your house!!


Alice December 31, 2008 at 1:34 PM  

heehee... I get away with out having to do DDR. I'm not allowed to jump! (not quite yet with my ankle...)


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