What goes around, comes around.

>> Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hey there everybody. How are you all doing? I'm good, besides being pretty worn out, but I'm still good.

Recently I've become fascinated with Photobucket. There's this type of picture on there, called Color Splashes, where basically, it's a black and white photo but part of it it in color. I've liked them for a long time, some of them can be REALLY pretty, but before a couple days ago, I didn't know how to make them. But then, I read something explaining how (you just do it on the Photobucket editing program) and I was overjoyed! Really. Ha ha. So, now whenever I'm on the computer, I'll usually be working on editing and making Color Splashes. I'm still not the best at it, since you need to have a good imagination, have good pictures, but most of all, be really precise. But I'm getting better with more practice. Here are some of my favorite color splashes (not done by me):

Aren't they great? I don't have any that good yet, but I'm working on it.


1 comment(s):

Alice August 19, 2009 at 4:38 PM  

Wowsa! Those are so gorgeous!

I am sure yours are amazing, too!


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