>> Thursday, February 24, 2011

I think by now, you should know what this post is about. :)
Yes, it was just about time for a lovely, refreshing SNOW DAY!
Now, I know that not everybody likes snow, and sometimes I'm one of those people, but not today! When I woke up in the morning, I was almost nervous to look out my window just in case there *wasn't* any snow, but when I looked out and saw there was, I pumped my fist and yelled "Yesss!".
Yeah, I actually did that. I know, I'm a bit overly dramatic at times.

But anyway! It really has been a good day. I got go traipse around in the snow with Nathan (a longstanding tradition), and Kevin, Isaiah, and my mom joined us for some sledding! We finally got to use the sleds that we got for Christmas 2 years ago that had just been waiting for today! After being outside for about an hour, we headed in (too cold and wet, and Nathan and I are both a bit sick), but it was great.

Of course, staying inside can be great too! I'm currently reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, but I haven't had much free reading time lately, so I was glad to be able to catch up on that a bit. I'm also catching up on my flute practicing!! Now that I have a practice journal I actually have to write in every day at band, my practice habits are hopefully going to be improving. :P
I also watched 3 old Psych episodes...ahh, I can never get tired of those! OH, another thing that I'm catching up on is my Facebook 30 day picture challenge! I definitely haven't posted since day 8...I'm supposed to be on day 18. :P hahaha, so I'm gathering the picture for that, and I'll post them soon. I might post the picture on here too, if I have time! But for now, just some snow pictures.

Bye, have a good day whether you have snow or not! :]

Mood: happy but cold!
Listening to: my playlist again...currently "Down" :)
Quote of the day: "When words fail, music speaks."
Random something: uh...SNOW!! :D

2 comment(s):

Jenna the Dragon Rider March 3, 2011 at 5:27 AM  

Awesome snow Megan. It's gotten so crazy warm in Jersey you'd think winter was over already

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