Catching up

>> Thursday, April 7, 2011

 Hello again! My life has been rather busy and at times hectic lately...hence the no posts. Except for that one weird thing where my email got hacked and sent a post to here...but I deleted that. :)

Anyway! Like I said, I have been rather busy. Things usually get like that this time of the year. But, isn't this time of the year lovely?? We've had some perfectly beautiful weather, and some perfectly terrible weather, but that's Spring in Oregon for you! Most of us tried and true Oregonians are used to it by now, but it can get rather irritating at times.

The biggest piece of news I have to offer up is that I spent my spring break (March 17th-26th) in Mexico! Just like last year, I went on a missions trip with my church and another church in the area, we had about 30 people and we built a house! And, like last year, it was AMAZING. The trip helped my attitude and views on life and people SO much. Like I've been saying, I got my happy back! (If you want to read my posts about last year's trip, click here and here)

I'm also working on making the Mexico slideshow, like last year, and it takes up SO MUCH TIME! Also, our presentation is this Sunday, so I'm running out of that time! But me and my friend are putting in a lot of effort to it, so I hope that people enjoy it, and we don't have some of the technical problems we had last year!

Another great thing that's happened is one of my friends from Taiwan visited us!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it was so exciting! Her and her husband are here visiting in Oregon, and we got to spend Monday afternoon and evening with them, plus some time on Tuesday. It was absolutely an awesome visit, and I'm so glad we got to spend time with her here in America and show her how we live. My parents and younger brother stayed in her house the last time we were in Taiwan, so it was a funny exchange. :]

 Well, that's mostly what I have to say...I do have something else, but I think I'll put it in a separate post, and hopefully I'm getting picked up soon to go work on the slideshow! Oh, and yes I know I never posted my Lost Hero review, mainly because I didn't want to take the time and write one without spoilers. But I might, or I'll just post my spoiler review. So I haven't forgotten! And, to send you off with, a picture of me and some friends in Mexico. :)

Mood: happy
Listening to: blog playlist! haha, "Break your heart"
Quote of the day: "Finnick?" I say, "Maybe some pants?"
He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown leaving him in just his underwear. "Why? Do you find this" -- he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose -- "distracting?"
I laugh. Boggs looks embarrassed and Finnick looks more like the guy I met at the Quarter Quell"— Suzanne Collins
Random something: uh i had a random something but i forgot it!! :( oh brother's having surgery today...weird.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous,  April 7, 2011 at 5:03 PM  

Meggers, I love you.

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