>> Monday, March 9, 2009
The weather around here has been pretty weird lately. First it was all sunny, and happy. That was a few days ago. Now it's snowing! It's been snowing off and on all day today (Monday) and it was snowing a little yesterday, too.
Luckily, it's not really sticking. I don't want it to snow, though! I mean, it's almost spring. Come on! I want summer!!
In other news, I haven't been doing too terribly great lately. On Friday, when I was sitting just eating breakfast and minding my own business, I got this sharp, bad pain in my neck. It hurt SO bad! And it didn't stop hurting. After a while, I had to go and lie down in my mom's bed, where I stayed almost the whole day.
I couldn't move, or my neck would get this jolt of pain. It hurt more than anything else I've ever felt, I'm serious. Also, it was driving me nuts, because I just had to lie there- not moving- for hours and hours! I tried to sit up once, and it hurt really bad, I laid back down right away.
At around 3:00, though, I was feeling a little better (the pain medicine had probably kicked in by then). My mom had talked to a nurse, who was worried about me, so I mustered up all the strength I had, and my mom drove me to the doctor's office (about 30 minutes away).
Turns out I had (have) a muscle spasm in my neck. The doctor prescribed some medicine, and stuff like that. But that's not all! I almost passed out in the doctor's office! See, he was pushing around on my neck and stuff, to see where it hurt. But after he stopped doing that, all of a sudden I felt like I was going to throw up, and then I started getting dizzy and seeing bright spots everywhere. So they (the doctor and my mom) made me sit down quickly and put my head between my knees.
It was freaky but exciting!
So anyway, my neck is almost all the way better today, which is good, because I have a concert tomorrow!
Well, that's all for now, ttfn!
1 comment(s):
I'm glad you feel better!!!
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