Okey Dokey

>> Friday, March 13, 2009

Okay, I'm going to try and post every day. Providing I can think of something to say every day. =P

For now I'm just saying, yay! I'm not sick! I feel perfectly fine now, and that's a good thing, because I actually have stuff to do this weekend!

Tonight (at 6:30), I have a babysitting job. Some people I know have having a game night- for parents only. So a friend of mine and I are gonna watch all their kids upstairs while the grown-ups do stuff downstairs. I know all the kids that will be there, and I need money, so I'm excited!!

Tomorrow is my friend Hannah Hamovitz's birthday party. She turned 16 on the 7th. We're going to hike up Spencer's Butte and open presents up there and stuff. I'm really excited for that, too!!

And, that's about it for today. Note: I still annoy myself. I try to stop annoying myself, but my brain just won't stop!! Stupid brain!!

Bye! -Megan

1 comment(s):

Alice March 13, 2009 at 1:36 PM  

I am glad to hear that you'll be posting every day. Keep up the lovely writing!

Alice (who makes boys fall in love with her by accident, sorry!)

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