Countdown Reason number 7!

>> Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Whoops, I almost forgot to post this before going to bed! Good thing I didn't. :)
Oh, and just a note before I start: these aren't nessicarily in any order. Just whatever I think of, I'll write! That's always worked for me, so yup!

Okay, here we go. Reason number seven of Why I Love The Hunger Games So Much:

• I can read them over and over and they never get old.

Seriously! I've already read them multiple times, I'm not even sure how many. And I'm planning to read them again starting tomorrow, in another preperation for Mockingjay! :D
There's just something about these books that never gets old. Every time I read them, I'm still surprised, still see new things. I have some books I've read that I love just as much as this series, but I've only read once or twice. They just seem weird when I read them again. But not The Hunger Games! I think it's awesome that I can re-read them multiple times, personally. And it makes owning them so much more useful! :D

Okay, there's today's reason. It's not the best, but hey, I'm tired. Okay, well, until tomorrow's post!

-Megan, crazed Hunger Games lover

Mood: tired but fulfilled
Listening to: The Kill by 30 Seconds To Mars
Quote of the day: 'Monk: Nobody's shaking hands. Everybody's saluting. Maybe I should enlist.
Natalie: No.
Monk: Why not?
Natalie: Because I love America.'
Mockingjay countdown: one week!

2 comment(s):

Alice August 19, 2010 at 2:13 PM  

Yup yup yup! I started rereading HG at my cousins' house yesterday. I need to see if the library has CF though...


Micah August 22, 2010 at 5:41 PM  

I have to agree! I actually think I've only reread them once, but they total surprise me, even Hunger Games, where I can remember most everything that happened. I love all the characters, and I love visiting them again by rereading the books! And there are ton of little details that surprise me and make rereading it almost, if not as much, fun and exciting as it is reading it for the first time! (Well, perhaps not quite as much exciting as it is reading it for the first time, but differently very exciting!)


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