Well well I can never think of good titles for these posts.

>> Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hey hey hey! Today's a beautiful day. Which means I should probably be outside enjoying it. You know what? I think that's what I'll do, after I finish posting and do my chores, of course. I'll take some pictures. If I get any good ones, I'll post them on here later.
So, I had a cold for the last couple days, but it's gone now. Yay! Good thing it didn't last very long. I'm SO glad.

Yesterday I went to see Bandslam with Jeremiah and Micaiah (WA cousins, both). It was really good! I liked it a lot. And since we went on a Wednesday afternoon when most people were in school, there were only, like, 3 other people in the theater. It was great. It's in the cheap theater too! So if you haven't seen it, then you should. Sometime. Maybe we could go together someday! And yes, I'm talking to whoever reads this, but usually only two people read it and I'd love to go with either of them.... =D.

About sickness. Yes, I'm over it by now, but it got me thinking. I seem to get sick a lot, colds, at least. But whenever I get sick, even if it's not SO terribly bad, I usually either think it is, or act like it is. Or both, actually. Maybe because so often, being sick is an excuse of getting out of work. But then again, it's also something that can get you out of things you WANT to do! So I don't like being sick. But, who does?

Time for me to go now. There's work to do, and the boys are goofing off with the Xbox again. Not to blame them or anything, I've had my fair share of it too. ;)

Bye for now! Take me up on my offer to see the movie?

2 comment(s):

Alice September 11, 2009 at 4:36 PM  

Well, since you complemented me so much by saying you'd love to go with me... yes! I'd love to go with you! No idea what that movies is about though... But it would be a perfect 'excuse' for us to get together, which is one of my things on my list of what I want to do in the break. So it's perfect!

Yours etc,
Alice Hale

P.S. I do assume I am one of the two readers you mentioned. I am, right?

Megan September 12, 2009 at 3:19 PM  

Yes of COURSE you are! And, basically it's about these teenagers who get a band together to win this contest called Bandslam.
So now you know!
And since it's in the cheapo theater, I can actually afford to go. Awesomeness.

Um, guess I'll call you sometime about going. And Bells is in CA, so too bad for her...!

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