Okay, here i'tis

>> Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mood: tired, mellow
Currently listening to: oh, lemme put something on... "The Prodigal" by Josiah James. =D
Song lyrics of the day: "We met at a concert, you were wearing converse, I'm not good at playing it cool..." (stuck in my head almost all day)

Well well. I always start these posts off about the same, don't I? It seems like it me.
Kind of.
I guess.
Today my topic will be: the mall. Tada!
So, yesterday I went to Gateway mall with Kevin, my mom and Nathan. Except most with Kevin, because we split up and my mom and Nate went to Target and I went to Parables. We were getting birthday presents for Brian. ANYWAY... I was thinking. I like the mall. A lot. I mean, I don't think I used to like the mall as much as I do now. I just like the environment, I guess. I don't exactly know what. But I do like the fact that it has a bunch of good stores/food places in indoor walking (air-conditioned!) distance. That's DEFINITELY a plus!
But really, I mean, what's so attractive about the mall? Or is it just another store? Just another teenage hangout? I don't know. What do YOU think?

Gotta go. That's all for now.

1 comment(s):

Alice August 29, 2009 at 10:31 PM  

The bookstores, duh. It's all about books. Oh, and people watching...that too!


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