Weekend! Yay!

>> Saturday, April 18, 2009

Today is the weekend, happy happy weekend, today is the weekend, finally Saturday YAY!!
Haha. Like my song? It's actually supposed to be a birthday song, but... whatever... I break the rules (remember?? hehe).

Tonight I'm going to a party for teenage homeschoolers with Kevin, and I invited some of my other friends, but I'm not sure if they (the Sundholms) can go or not yet. Also, I want my friend Jordan to spend the night here, or me spend the night there, but she hasn't responded to the message I left on their phone. And I don't like calling people very much.... but I guess I will have to sometime.

Besides that, I don't think much more is going on over the weekend. But still, it's the WEEKEND, so we have to be happy!!

I've been reading a lot- yesterday I was up in my room almost all day with Black. I love it!! It's so cool, you all should read it, it's not really horror at all, I was wrong, only the other one that I got (Monster) is horror. Black is sooo good! Seriously. You all need to read it. I love it!!! Probably as soon as I got off the computer I will go read it more... so, yeah, everyone read Black. NOW!!

You know what? My brother Kevin is the creepiest freakiest scariest person that I know. He's weird too.

Well, that's all for now. Short post, I know. But I will probably post something more in a little while.


"And how does Elyon love?"
"Excellent question! He chooses."
"He chooses."
"He pursues."
"He pursues."
"He rescues."
"He rescues."
"He woos."
"He woos."
"He protects."
"He protects. Ha!"
"He lavishes."
"Is that one of them?"
"Why not?"
"I mean, is that normally placed with the others?"
"It should be."
"...He lavishes."


2 comment(s):

Alice April 18, 2009 at 9:17 PM  

And I wasn't invited to this party? :'(


Megan April 19, 2009 at 2:26 PM  

Um, no.... because you don't know the people who were hosting it.

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