
>> Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey guys! I haven't disappeared completely, I promise. And I have a treat for you today! I am going to show you some of my favorite pictures ever. :) Wheeee! Except I have so many, I think I'll have to split them up. It'll be like a series! No, it WILL be a series. I've just decided. Yuppp. I'll try to kind of topic-ize them I guess. But basically, be on the lookout, cause I'll have more amazing pictures coming, not just today!

I would say that I would post some every day, except I don't know if I'll be able to, because I'm actually not home right now. I'm visiting relatives (my dad's side this time). I'm going home tomorrow, will be home for two days, and then I'm going to visit relatives on my mom's side! Haha. And then school starts!! So I'm pretty busy. But I guess I will be home the next 3 days, so I'll try and wrap it up then. But anyway! On to the good stuff.

I have recently found a photographer on deviantArt that I absolutely LOVE. She does underwater photographs, which have always intrigued me. I don't know if anyone watches Americas Next Top Model, but they did an underwater photoshoot on there one time, and it was super cool. So, all of the following photographs are done by =Sugarock99 and they're some of my favorites of hers. Hope you enjoy!

This one might look familiar to some of you - it's on the cover of the book Imaginary Girls!
Part of a series called "Alice in Waterland"

Today I showed some of her more colorful ones, next time I'll share some of her darker ones. Really hope you like them! :]

Mood:  tired, content, happy :) everything?
Listening to:  house noises
Quote of the day: "It's not that you should never love something so much that it can control you.It's that you need to love something that much so you can never be controlled.It's not a weakness.It's your best strength." -The Ask And The Answer
Random something: I'm FINALLY getting over the cold i've had for almost a week!


Christian t-shirts by JCLU Forever

>> Thursday, August 18, 2011

 Hey guys! I know, I've been absent from here for a while, and now this might not even be considered a *real* post, but hey I have something to tell you about. Which you can probably tell from the title! Yes, I'm here to tell you about a website/clothing brand called JCLU Forever (which stands for Jesus Christ loves you forever). I found out about them a while ago and bought one of their shirts a few years ago, it's pretty cool if I do say so myself! Here's what they say about themselves: "Christian T shirts made by three girls who Love Jesus for girls who Love Jesus. Our shirts are designed to be tools for evangelism. JCLU T shirts have simple faith based statements while being fun and fashionable”. That's very true. They have a lot of cool products, not just t-shirts. They also have a few sweatshirt type things, and some bracelets - the main reason why I'm writing this. They like to give away free stuff (who doesn't love free stuff?!?), and just for writing this blog post they'll send me a free bracelet! Super cool, right?? They also have lots of sales, almost all the time practically. Even if you don't think you're interested, I'd appreciate it if you could just check out their website for a little while to see what their products look like. Here's the link: . It's pretty amazing how far those girls have come with their business! Pretty inspiring.

Anyway, I guess that's all! Please help support these girls! :)

Mood: very content :]
Listening to: my dad talking on the phone to his mom, my brother in the kitchen, etc.
Quote of the day: "Anything can happen in the blink of an eye. Anything at all."
Random something: I like life. :)


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