>> Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Hi. I haven't posted in like, a month. I'M GETTING BETTER!! :D
But no, really, what's up? I have a list of things I want to do this summer, and one of them is to blog at least once a week. I just realized though, I have two blogs, therefore I guess posting on either one of them counts...so, I guess I might not be posting on here that much anyway. But whatever! Duly warned. :P
Soooo. I had finals on Monday. Well, I guess I can't say final(S), because I only have one public school class...whatever. I survived! Yay! Still don't know how well I did though. I'm a teensy bit nervous, haha. I can never remember the difference between perfect and major, so I basically just guessed. Can't wait to see how good my guessing skills are!
In other big news, I finally got my drivers permit!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah. Not that I've driven yet or anything...heh heh. I'll admit, I'm scared. Seriously scared. I don't think I'll be scared once I actually start learning, but - I'm so scared to start!! Yeah I'm a wimp. But it's not my fault! ...No that's a lie, it is. Oh well. Once I start, I'll tell you guys. :) Not that I actually have any idea whooo you guys are...or if you even exist...again, whatever! I'm in a very chill mood, haha.
We're having tacos for dinner. :]
I get to go to the library tomorrow. :]
....Wellllllllllll, off to go eat my tacos! Byyyyyyyyyye.
Mood: chillllll! haha
Listening to: mi madre talking to mi hermano (yeah that's spanish. barely even had to use google translate!)
Quote of the day: The secret to getting ahead is getting started --Mark Twain
Random something: why don't YOU tell ME?