Have you ever had times when you were SO bored, and just couldn't think of anything at all to do? Cause I do, all the time! I mean, I know that there could be work or something to do, or a game, but nothing sounds the least bit interesting, so all you do is sit around like a lump, or go and do endless hours of computer (like I'm doing now!). We should try to do something about that. Totally. I don't like being bored, I mean, who does? It's always nice when there's something to do, and especially if that something to do is fun. See, right now, I'm bored, waiting for my siblings and mom to wake up. So, instead of just sitting on the couch, I got on here, and now i'm posting about boredom. Interesting.
I'm not saying that, like, I'm never gonna be bored anymore, I'm just saying that I want to try to NOT be bored. To find something to do when it seems like there's nothing. Even if it's just to read a book, or go outside, I mean it's better than nothing!
Do you guys have anything that you like to do when you're bored? Hehehe, I'm gonna call them boredom-busters! Also, there's boredom-breakers, i guess I'll call them, things that i do when I'm bored that i probably shouldn't do. Like, sometimes I just get something to eat, like junk food. That's not too good! Or I go stare at some mind-numbing TV screen. I do watch tv still, but if it's just something that I want to do as a boredom-breaker, then i guess it's not too good.
So, from now on, whenever I get bored, I'm gonna try and find something productive to do! Anyone with me?
-Angela (The Boredom-Buster Police)